Thursday, March 12, 2009

Letter to my daughter

Dear Georgia,

This is a letter I have wanted to write to you for nearly 6 months. I did not do it because it caused me so much pain to even think about. I miss you so much and your absence makes my heart ache.

That pain was unbearable for so long, but God is good and has given me peace. I still miss you but I know you are where you are supposed to be, for now. I had peace when God led me to the decision to let you live with your daddy, but I questioned God because I chose to lean unto my own understanding. I will no longer question God's will for our lives.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Although we are apart physically you are always in my heart and on my mind. I love you so much and you are my proof that God is real and that He is good.

Georgia, you are beautiful, generous, inquisitive and have the sweetest heart of anyone I know. Your love of the Lord amazes me. When you are 77 I pray your love and faith in the Lord be as strong, if not stronger, as it is at age 7.

I want you to know that having dinner with you is the highlight of my week and I look forward to the weekends we are together. You are such a joy and a blessing to me and many others, I hope you always know that. You are the best parts of daddy and me and NEVER doubt our love for you.

You are so young and impressionable and I promise to do my best by you and train you up in the way you should go...

You are loved unconditionally, wanted and cherished forever.

Faithfully yours,


Let love and faithfulness never leave you …write them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3 NIV

1 comment:

Lowell Johnson said...

She knows. This is beautiful. I love you.